WPF Grid: Dynamic Rows and Columns

wpf grid dynamic rows

Clicking on the gray rectangle will change its color, and set the text to bold (I will deal with these triggers later). GroupBackgroundConverter.csThis simple implementation supports different alternation counts, e.g. to alternate between three colors. My current workaround is to have a custom List which would append a flag based on the logic I mentioned above.

How to create add and delete rows in WPF Grid Dynamically?

After control size is changed and number of rows and columns of grid are calculated, cell set is recreated, but state of cells are preserved. Then collection of cell view models is updated by asynchronous method. Method analyses necessary changes and remove or add rows and remove or add cell view models to rows.

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Each of the sides are just a TextBlock control to illustrate the point. The rows/columns are defined elsewhere in the code, but I don’t think I need to paste that considering it’ll be replaced. By turning off automatically generated columns using the AutoGenerateColumns property, you get full control of which columns are shown and how their data should be viewed and edited. As seen by the example of this article, this opens up for some pretty interesting possibilities, where you can completely customize the editor and thereby enhance the end-user experience.

How to apply alternating row colors to groups in a DataGrid?

There is an issue with binding to view size – as bindings are executed in single thread, new values of view width and height come in different moments. The post is devoted to the Wpf datagrid with cells that have defined fixed size but a number of rows and columns is updated dynamically in order to fill all available space. The post is devoted to the WPF data grid with dynamically defined number of rows and columns, but all cells have the same width and the same height. For example, such grid could be used in chess or checkers games for 8×8 field.

  1. On the second button, I use a so-called Attached property to place the button in the second column (0 is the first column, 1 is the second and so on).
  2. The Clear method of Grid.RowDefinitions deletes all rows ina Grid.
  3. Then, on the .cs file of this page you must create a function with the code below.
  4. The only problem with a UniformGrid is it only arranges items Horizontally.
  5. The RemoveAt method of Grid.RowDefinitions deletes a row atthe given position.

One thought on “Grid with dynamic number of rows and columns, part 1”

View model of dynamic data grid contains cell, view and grid sizes, data model for cell set, and collection of collections of cell view models. View size properties are bound to actual size of data grid control. Actually, it is not a clear approach from the point of MVVM pattern, as view model should know nothing about view, but it is realized in accurate way via binding and attached properties. Grid size, i.e. number of rows and columns, is calculated as view size divided by cell size.

wpf grid dynamic rows

Control concepts

wpf grid dynamic rows

Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I wanted to bind ProductName from RestaurantProduct through records and bind and then show like buttons.how can i bind https://traderoom.info/wpf-dynamically-setting-number-of-rows/ that to uniform panel? I wanted to bind ProductName from RestaurantProduct through records and bind and then show like buttons. So as you can see, spanning multiple columns and/or rows in a Grid is very easy.

The post is devoted to the WPF gridview with a dynamically-defined number of rows and columns but all cells have the same width and height. For example, such a grid could be used in chess or checkers games for 8×8 field. The post showcases a WPF datagrid with dynamic columns where the number of rows and columns is defined but all cells have the same size. Once rows and columns are added to Grid, you can add anycontents to Grid cells by using SetRow and SetColumn methods.

You will want to make your real view models implement INotifyPropertyChanged of course. It must be easy to create the other columns as well, using the same logic that I used to create the Rows. I would try using a listview and change the template to the style you want https://traderoom.info/ to use for your elements. The Rows and Columns property of the UniformGrid are DependencyProperties, so you could bind them to properties on the DataContext to make them dynamic. This grid will always have consecutive numbers, with a color rectangle in front of it.

View model for each cell implements ICellViewModel interface that defines property for data model that implements ICell interface and command for changing state for the cell. For now, I just need to figure out how to create this control dynamically. When the program starts, it needs to one time create this control, and then the size won’t change. Use the Grid when the other panels doesn’t do the job, e.g. when you need multiple columns and often in combination with the other panels.

wpf grid dynamic rows

In this example, we have simply divided the available space into two columns, which will share the space equally, using a “star width” (this will be explained later). On the second button, I use a so-called Attached property to place the button in the second column (0 is the first column, 1 is the second and so on). I could have used this property on the first button as well, but it automatically gets assigned to the first column and the first row, which is exactly what we want here. I’m making an image gallery of sorts, and I’m currently loading the images into a grid dynamically via C#. If I shouldn’t be using a grid to display the images, I’m more than willing to change it to a better-suited control, but it needs to be window-resizing-friendly. In the previous chapter, we had a look at just how easy you could get a WPF DataGrid up and running.

Also, other implementation for cells could be used, for example, 2-dimensional array of cells ICellViewModels[][] works well. In this implementation, collection of cells is recreated each time if grid width or grid height is changed, and it leads to some application pauses. In the following post, this issue is solved with asynchronous method that updates cell array. Also, other implementation for cells could be used; for example, 2-dimensional array of cells ICellViewModels[][] works well.

As number of rows and columns are integers, real size of cells on the view could not equal to values of cell width and height. Dynamic grid is implemented as user control that contains DataGrid control bound to observable collection of collections of cell view models. In this implementation collection of cells is recreated each time if grid width or grid height is changed, and it leads to some application pauses. In the following post this issue is solved with asynchronous method that updates cell array.