

Owner : Aydin Öztürk

Adress: Heinrich-Bertmans-Str.2, 47057 Duisburg

Telefon: +49 (0)201/10 26 731

Email:  [email protected]

Tax identification Number: 110/5122/1260

Court of jurisdiction: Essen

All information given to the best of our knowledge and belief; errors excepted and subject to change.

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Privacy policy

Die dsh.de  takes the protection of your personal data seriously and adheres to the data protection provisions. We want you to know which data we record and how we use this information. For the development of our online content, we change some of the information regularly. Therefore, we recommend you to look at our privacy policy again next time. 

During your access to our website, no personal data regarding your use are generated, and only anonymous data are stored. Especially your IP-Adress will not be saved. Following data will be saved:  the web pages, which you visit at our homepage, as well as the date of the anonymous attendance. Nevertheless, conclusions on personal data are not possible for us with it.

Our online offer holds links to internet pages of other providers. We have no influence on whether or not these external providers conform to the data protection clauses. Therefore, you should always check the privacy statements offered.

Only when you make an online registration, your personal data can be recorded and saved. The access to such data by third parties is not possible, because of a password quiery.


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